Beauty面部護理護膚聖品-Sebamed USA, 臉部淨痘,護理凝膠,1.69液體盎司(50毫升
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如果你還在考慮Sebamed USA, 臉部淨痘,護理凝膠,1.69液體盎司(50毫升這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,髮旺旺就可以囉~~
- No Parabens
- Ideal for Healthy Skin - pH 5.5
- For Acne Prone Skin 髮旺旺
- Free From Oils and Emulsifiers
- Active Natural Moisturizers
- With Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Vera & Provitamin B5
- Same pH as Healthy Skin - 5.5
- Dermatologist Tested
The sebamed Clear Face Care Gel is free from perfume, oils and emulsifiers. It is the ideal dermatological basic care for skin prone to pimples, blackheads and skin impurities. Its rich moisturizing formula consists of the following ingredients for gentle care of acne prone skin:
- Hyaluronic acid & aloe vera: Provide rich moisture for your skin
- Provitamin B5: Supports skin's natural regeneration
- Allantoin: For smooth, supple skin
- PH 5.5, the ideal pH of healthy skin: Supports the natural barrier function of the skin's protective layer (the acid mantle).
Sebamed Clear Face - 4 Steps to Clear Skin
- Cleansing: Sebamed Clear Face Cleansing Foam
- Deep Cleansing: Sebamed Clear Face Facial Toner
- Gentle Care: Sebamed Clear Face Care Gel 髮旺旺
- Effective Relief: Sebamed Clear Face Spot Gel
Correct and regular skin care promote healthy skin, sebamed clear face is your partner to support your skin's natural barrier for combating pimples, blackheads and skin impurities with gentle care.
Sebamed USA, 臉部淨痘,護理凝膠,1.69液體盎司(50毫升

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