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- Moisturizes & Conditions Your Lips
- 2- Cocoa Butter
- 1- Shea Butter
- 1- Coconut
Cocoa butter is an all-natural moisturizer that goes on smooth and silky. It's emollient qualities make Cococare's Cocoa Butter Lip Balm the perfect lip moisturizer. Prevent and protect dry, chapped, crack床的世界ed or windburned lips with this little yellow stick.
Shea Butter床的世界
Known for its hydrating qualities, shea butter is a natural moisturizer that helps to moisturize and protect your lips. Cococare Shea Butter Lip Balm goes on smooth and feels silky soft on your lips. Apply several times a day to help keep you lips conditioned and healthy.
Cococare’s Coconut Lip Balm is infused with natural coconut oil. Coconut oil is a light oil that has strong emollient qualities making it the perfect ingredient to moisturize and protect your lips all day long. Ideal for everyday use.
Cococare, 唇膏套裝,4包,0.15盎司(4.2克)床的世界髮旺旺

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